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  • Writer's pictureDr. Ankit Varshney

What’s PCL Injury, Its Symptoms, Classifications, and Treatments?

The PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament) is one of the most important ligaments that is located inside the knee joint and just behind the ACL. This ligament connects the thighbone to the shinbone and helps to keep the shinbone from moving backward with the thighbone.

When an injury occurs to the PCL, it can affect your entire knee and make you unable to enjoy your normal activity. When you feel restricted in your life due to this problem, consult the Best PCL surgeon in Delhi, or wherever you live, to surgically treat your problem. Below, I’m going to share some important things that you need to know about PCL.

What is PCL Injury?

PCL injury is a kind of injury that harms ligament and cause joint problems. One of the most communal causes of PCL injury is forceful impact. When you make a forceful impact on the front of your knee joint, it can harm your ligament and cause pain. A person who plays high-impact sports like basketball, soccer, and many others is more susceptible to this injury.

Symptoms of a PCL Injury

There are some symptoms of PCL surgery, including:

· Your knee will give out or you may feel loose. You may also notice swelling around your knee joint.

· feel discomfort in the knee when you crouch

· Discomfort in the front part of the knee joint while running. It generally occurs when you try to slow down.

Classifications of PCL Injuries

PCL injuries are generally categorized into grading schemes:

· Grade 1: A mild harm that causes microscopic tears in the ligament. This problem can make the PCL out of shape as well as affects your joint’s ability and make it tough to bear weight.

· Grade 2 (Moderate): In this situation, the PCL is partially torn and makes your knee joint unstable. It can affect your knee and make you unable to stand or walk.

· Grade 3 (Severe): At this level, the PCL is entirely torn or detached as its termination from the skeleton that anchors. It makes your knee totally unstable and is not able to bear your body weight. This problem is generally happened due to tremendous force and accompanied by damage to the other ligaments of the surgery.

Treatment for PCL Injury

In the initial phase, a general physician recommends you follow RICE methods to manage your problem. This is basically:

· Rest – Do proper rest for preventing further injury.

· Ice – Use ice on your knee joint for reducing inflammation.

· Compress – Use an elastic bandage to compress the joint.

· Elevation – Elevate your leg when taking a rest.

When this method is not providing any improvement in your health, surgery will be the best choice. Now, the doctor uses minimally invasive surgical procedures for treating your problem without causing any damage to the nearby ligaments or muscles. With this, you will also have a faster recovery.

These are some of the most important things that you should know about PCL injury. You can find the Best PCL surgeon in Gurugram, or elsewhere, to take your problem effectively.


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