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  • Writer's pictureDr. Ankit Varshney

3 Reasons Why You Should Undergo Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Updated: Mar 25, 2023

The shoulder is one of the most important body parts in humans that provide more strength than other joints. But when your shoulder is injured and causing severe pain, then undergoing shoulder replacement surgery is one of the most effective options to treat your problem.

In shoulder replacement surgery, your joint is replaced with a metal ball. It is ideal to find one of the best doctors for Shoulder replacement surgery in Delhi, or wherever you live. Below, I’m going to share some reasons for shoulder replacement surgery.

Top Reasons to Undergo Shoulder Replacement Surgery

1. Osteoarthritis

This is a degenerative joint problem that is painful and causes inflammation in the damaged joints. Osteoarthritis is a very common joint illness that happens in individuals over 50. It can also cause disability in aged people.

Osteoarthritis can also be caused in younger people by trauma and injury. This health problem can also be genetic.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis

Also known as an autoimmune condition, this health issue can attach to its own muscle and affect the same joint on both portions of your body. There are some conservative treatments such as steroid injections, physical treatment, and pain medicines used to get relief from symptoms.

But if these treatments are failed in calming your pain, then you should take shoulder replacement surgery. A person with rheumatoid arthritis generally experiences severe pain and movement limitations that may affect their normal life.

3. Post-traumatic Arthritis

If you are injured then you may have post-traumatic arthritis. This problem is generally instigated by some kind of injury such as a vehicle accident. If you don’t treat the injuries on time, it damages your joint and causes wear exponentially. Sports can also increase the possibility of post-traumatic arthritis.

If the above-mentioned conditions are not helping in finding your condition, then you may feel stuck. And also try to know do you need shoulder replacement surgery. And how will you know about it? If so, then you should consult an experienced doctor and go through some tests like X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs to know about your shoulder condition and also the need for your shoulder joint replacement.

How Will You Know If Shoulder Replacement is Required?

If you are suffering from arthritis pain and not getting relief from non-surgical treatment, then you may be a good candidate for shoulder replacement surgery. The shoulder pain can cause inflammation, and discomfort as well as affect your regular life.

Who Should Not Go Under a Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

Not all people are good candidates for surgery. A good candidate will:

· Has some signs that are not dangerous for their health

· Suffering from infection

· Facing progressive nervous system illness that affects the shoulder joint

Shoulder replacement surgery may help to treat your problem without causing other health issues. If you have symptoms such as fever, swelling, sudden pain, and change in your arm movement, then you should consult the Best orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi, or elsewhere. They will help you to provide the best treatment to offer relief from your shoulder problem.

1 Comment

Dr. Nikhil Verma
Dr. Nikhil Verma
Jan 25

Thank you for sharing this informative blog post on shoulder replacement surgery. He has undergone knee surgery replacement recently and understands the importance of finding Shoulder Replacement Surgeon In Delhi.

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